Potential Groups Actions
To join an ACTION GROUP specific to your lender, simply click on the join a group button below.
If your lender is not listed, you can click on the CREATE A GROUP button to arrange for a lender
specific group to be created; this will contact us at our Face-book page.
Fundraising is the part where Action4Justice asks you
to help us to help you.
By people working collectively fund-raising with Action4Justice we can not only help you with your banking and mortgage
issues, but also help others caught up in similar bank and mortgage fraud situations.
Passing on the collective knowledge gained, helps Action4Justice continue forging a path to establish the truth
and supply the victims with the necessary knowledge to fend off bank fraud and mortgage fraud.
Fundraising with Action4Justice
Of course, Fundraising is an essential element towards keeping
Action4Justice in the game.
Our Action4Justice team works on a purely voluntary pro-bono
basis. However, there are inevitable expenses involved in
servicing a website and communication costs so we need
some funds to ensure our longevity and viability.
However, we are primarily fund-raising for victims of banking
fraud and wrong doings. Defending your position even though
you are in the right is an expensive business. Victims have
usually been stripped of their cash and assets throughout their
long-standing ordeals; we get that.
We are working with a team of professionals who are not
intermediated by the establishment. This requires funding which
is our primary reason to launch our Fundraising campaign.
To find out about this no nonsense Team look here.
This Family funding raising page will be dedicated to a specific people who need immediate help. Our first fund-raising
venture is to raise £10,000 to engage the Legal team and bring a group action for a number of families who have spent
the past 7-10 years fighting the fear of losing their homes.
We are making a stand for bank fraud and mortgage fraud victims. We have victims that have been reduced to living in
one room in complete squalor just because the banks they trusted decided not to be honest and honourable.
Those banks failed the FCA’s (Financial Conduct Authority) eleven principals of business: The Financial Conduct
Authority's handbook lists 11 principles of business by which the financial watchdog expects all regulated companies to
1: Integrity - A firm must conduct its business with integrity.
2: Skill, care and diligence - A firm must conduct its business with due skill, care and diligence.
3: Management and control - A firm must take reasonable care to organise and control its affairs responsibly and
4: Financial prudence - A firm must maintain adequate financial resources.
5: Market conduct - A firm must observe proper standards of market conduct
6: Customers’ interests - A firm must pay due regard to the interests of its customers and treat them fairly.
7: Communications with clients - A firm must pay due regard to the information needs of its clients, and communicate
information to them in a way which is clear, fair and accurate.
8: Conflicts of interest- A firm must manage conflicts of interest fairly, both between itself and its customers and between
a customer and another client.
9: Customers: relationships of trust - A firm must take reasonable care to ensure the suitability of its advice and
discretionary decisions for any customer who is entitled to rely upon its judgement.
10: Clients’ assets - A firm must arrange adequate protection for clients’ assets when it is responsible for them.
11: Relations with regulators - A firm must deal with its regulators in an open and cooperative way, and must disclose
to the regulator appropriately anything relating to the firm of which that regulator would reasonably expect notice.
Please help our fund-raising initiative
We have over 10,000 followers on various social media platforms. If everyone was to donate just £1 we would be well
on the way to helping many bank fraud victims.
Of course, we understand that the very people (victims of bank and mortgage fraud) who need our help are suffering
from lack of funds. We get that so, if you simply cannot assist financially them please help in other ways by spreading
the word and sharing Action4Justice on Twitter and Facebook, thank you
Action4Justice Fundraising Team
Raising Money to help
Banking Fraud Victims
Banks and Financial Institutions that have been Fined To Date!
Are Facebook and Twitter Strangling our voices?
With the new changes happening on social media, like Facebook changing our settings to only post to 25 of your favourite friends and
twitter launching their new product Twitter vanish which is where a tweet will only go up for 24 hours and then will vanish. These media
companies are making it harder for us to communicate as a group. Therefore, if you want to be part of our movement you will need to
register Here
ACTION GROUPS specific to various banks and lenders, such as Natwest /
RBS are available to join below; simply click on the Group button to join. If
your lender or bank is not listed, you can ask action4justice to create a new
button via the CREATE A GROUP button. This will contact our team at
action4justice on our action4justice Face-book page and we will create a
specific Action Group.