Banks and Financial Institutions that have been Fined To Date! 
Are Facebook and Twitter Strangling our voices? With the new changes happening on social media, like Facebook changing our settings to only post to 25 of your favourite friends and twitter launching their new product Twitter vanish which is where a tweet will only go up for 24 hours and then will vanish. These media companies are making it harder for us to communicate as a group. Therefore, if you want to be part of our movement you will need to register Here

Have you been Misled, 

Mis-sold or even fraudulently lost 

monies via the banks?  

Strangling our voice?        is    striving    to    bring together   in   one   place   all   like-minded   people   and victims   of   fraud   and   injustice   at   the   hands   of   the big corporations.   We   are   finding   it   increasingly   difficult   to   maintain full    transparency    on    established    social    media which   is   effectively   a   “strangling   of   our   unified voice”.  We     are     now     looking     to     overcome     this     by introducing   a   dedicated   FORUM   for   full   access and transparency of information.    Facebook:    is   changing   their   policies   &   settings to post to only 25 of your favourite friends.    Twitter:     launches    a    new    product    call    Twitter Vanish.    This    is    designed    to    remove    a    tweet within    24    hours    of    posting,    so    no    more    viral capability. These   are   not   social   platforms   for   free   speech; they     are     becoming     platforms     for     controlled speech   making   it   harder   for   us   to   communicate as a group.  Therefore,    if    you    want    to    be    part    of    our    fully transparent   movement   you   will   need   to   register on   our   secure   contact form.
ACTION GROUPS specific to various banks and lenders, such as Natwest / RBS are available to join below; simply click on the Group button to join. If your lender or bank is not listed, you can ask action4justice to create a new button via the CREATE A GROUP button. This will contact our team at action4justice on our action4justice Face-book page and we will create a specific Action Group.    